Lauren’s Learning Blog

School is cool, but Learning is Rad.

Responding to Feedback

Responding to feedback is a really important stage towards a successful learning experience. Mr Huebl proved that to us when he gave us the task of making a graph about the birthdays in our class until it was perfect. We watched Austin’s Butterfly, a video were this man teaches us how important it is to ask your friends for help on how to improve, keeping all of your drafts and to try again and again. Here are the drafts I made: P.S. please click on the image to read the description.

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Presenting 3D objects

We have carried on with our learning about 3D objects. This task was a bit of a struggle as we had to find as many cube nets as we could.

All of the ones I tried were correct and the way I checked them was by using this really cool website where it has a bunch of nets and you have to decide whether it makes a cube or not

And then I tested all of the other options and decided whether they folded to be a cube or not. I got one wrong because I think I was rushing a bit.

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Isometric Drawings

This is a video of the isometric drawing thing and how I had completed it.  

Lauren draw object from SAS Year 5 on Vimeo.

Later we had to draw (on paper) a rectangular prism, that picture up there ⬆️and make our own shape. Here is a photo of my drawings.


3D objects

This is the video i made about how to make a hexagonal based pyramid. It is weird but I like it.


Lauren 3D object from SAS Year 5 on Vimeo.


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Entering the Third Dimention

This is the work we did today about 3D and 2D shapes. We found them and described them.

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